RT @addict38: #Vape #SevrageTabagique @LeHuffPost @max_birken Le rapport du @hcsp_fr a laissé une référence bibliographique (§166 p.51) al…
RT @addict38: #Vape #SevrageTabagique @LeHuffPost @max_birken Le rapport du @hcsp_fr a laissé une référence bibliographique (§166 p.51) al…
RT @addict38: #Vape #SevrageTabagique @LeHuffPost @max_birken Le rapport du @hcsp_fr a laissé une référence bibliographique (§166 p.51) al…
RT @addict38: #Vape #SevrageTabagique @LeHuffPost @max_birken Le rapport du @hcsp_fr a laissé une référence bibliographique (§166 p.51) al…
#Vape #SevrageTabagique @LeHuffPost @max_birken Le rapport du @hcsp_fr a laissé une référence bibliographique (§166 p.51) alors que la publication a été rétractée par la revue en 2020 https://t.co/QgBWfi4NMx Mais @ProfGlantz en était contributeur anglopho
@emma_agbons @NBCNews S. Glantz, the king of retracted studies! https://t.co/VHwVue4B0X
@r_bsal @physchopomp @ShirtlessHorde @peachykeen1981 @NIHDirector @StanfordMed Quoting Glantz in these times shows a great amount of courage. 😜 This former aerospace engineer got his professor title only due by working on the UCSF. He's an activist with re
@ChaunceyGardner The Alzahrani et al study in AJPM hasn't been retracted as far as I know. Though it's equally bogus. https://t.co/SpRLSOIRXc The Bhatta & Glantz study in JAHA has been retracted. https://t.co/TOJ8Z93KuF
RT @XLimodin: @ProfGlantz @ClevelandClinic Lies, misinformation and retracted study about vaping, Is There a Connection? https://t.co/gI5c…
RT @XLimodin: @ProfGlantz @ClevelandClinic Lies, misinformation and retracted study about vaping, Is There a Connection? https://t.co/gI5c…
@ProfGlantz @ClevelandClinic Lies, misinformation and retracted study about vaping, Is There a Connection? https://t.co/gI5cOp2h6W https://t.co/TmmpyMtCGF
@BloodyKisses88 @EdwardHubert4 @NYSMom4Kiddos Experts? They quoted Stanton Glantz. Hardly a reliable source with his track record having had a paper retracted in February Erin. https://t.co/uRUh4lzOeW Try reading this from a real expert. https://t.co/h92vu
@gustamenna @DiputadosAR @DipRoxanaReyes @NachoTorresCH @AlvarodLamadrid @gondelcerro @AidaAyala @ClauNaj @DiegoMMestre @lorematzen @SebaSalvadorOk los editores de la Revista de la Asociación Americana del Corazón revisaron el proceso de revisión por pares
RT @dabelstein: @TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can…
RT @dabelstein: @TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can…
RT @dabelstein: @TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can…
Electronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction Among Adults in the US Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health | Journal of the American Heart Association https://t.co/NxyY3qolBr
RT @DrEVBeard: Here is a link to the retracted paper for reference https://t.co/NAEHSIDOqc
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
RT @dabelstein: @TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can…
RT @dabelstein: @TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can…
RT @dabelstein: @TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can…
RT @XLimodin: Can this be written BIGGER for ANTZ please JAHA! https://t.co/8zxc22WOVL https://t.co/2YEX9xBjN1
RT @XLimodin: Can this be written BIGGER for ANTZ please JAHA! https://t.co/2YEX9xBjN1
RT @XLimodin: Can this be written BIGGER for ANTZ please JAHA! https://t.co/8zxc22WOVL https://t.co/2YEX9xBjN1
RT @XLimodin: Can this be written BIGGER for ANTZ please JAHA! https://t.co/8zxc22WOVL https://t.co/2YEX9xBjN1
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
Can this be written BIGGER for ANTZ please JAHA! https://t.co/2YEX9xBjN1
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
RT @dabelstein: @TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can…
@TobaccoFreeFin tweets about a study, as if it was fact, despite the paper clearly being marked as "retracted". How low can it get? #ecigs #sundpol #wewantittobetrue #notobjectivescience #feelingsnotscience
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
RT @jkelovuori: Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been…
Looks like @TobaccoFreeFin will not delete their tweet despite having been told by numerous people that the study has been retracted. They must have seen the replies, they were tweeting about something else just a couple of hours ago. No integrity. htt
Here is a link to the retracted paper for reference https://t.co/NAEHSIDOqc
RT @VapinGreek: *coughs* *retraction*
RT @jkelovuori: Folks over at @TobaccoFreeFin must be absolutely clueless or they just don't care. The irony of tweeting (without context)…
RT @jkelovuori: Folks over at @TobaccoFreeFin must be absolutely clueless or they just don't care. The irony of tweeting (without context)…
Hi Finland: The world is waiting for you to retract this tweet!
RT @jkelovuori: Folks over at @TobaccoFreeFin must be absolutely clueless or they just don't care. The irony of tweeting (without context)…
RT @jkelovuori: Folks over at @TobaccoFreeFin must be absolutely clueless or they just don't care. The irony of tweeting (without context)…
Si alguien tiene alguna duda de porque los eliquid en Finlandia tienen unos impuestos desproporcionados... Pista...talibanes anti ciencia que hoy todavia están retweeando el estudio de Glantz 🤪🤪🤯🤯
RT @jkelovuori: Folks over at @TobaccoFreeFin must be absolutely clueless or they just don't care. The irony of tweeting (without context)…
Folks over at @TobaccoFreeFin must be absolutely clueless or they just don't care. The irony of tweeting (without context) Glantz's study one day after it has been retracted is just... wow! I'm blocked but perhaps someone should break the news to them? ht
Today, @JAHA_AHA, one of the top tier medical journal retracted a manuscript from UCSF claiming that e-cigarette was associated with increased risk of heart attack. Guess why? https://t.co/cbcjtAOwpV
RT @VapinGreek: *coughs* *retraction*
RT @VapinGreek: *coughs* *retraction*
RT @VapinGreek: *coughs* *retraction*
RT @VapinGreek: *coughs* *retraction*
RT @VapinGreek: *coughs* *retraction*
RT @VapinGreek: *coughs* *retraction*
*coughs* *retraction*
Some‐day and every‐day #ecigarette use are associated with increased risk of having had a myocardial infarction, adjusted for combustible #cigarette #smoking. https://t.co/LjE6yqhXrC @American_Heart @sydanliitto
@SimonChapman6 I read it the last time I saw it. Did you add some compelling new material since then? Besides I was just looking at this: https://t.co/uRCQEdVqDa Shoudld this have been retracted?
RT @F3zzer: This aged well. I'm sure you can't wait to correct your followers Simon? https://t.co/HxtCPFWSD0 https://t.co/ywgm3gIPnn
This aged well. I'm sure you can't wait to correct your followers Simon? https://t.co/HxtCPFWSD0
RT @FalkenVape: @plusdecheveux @fumerolles_ch @philippe_plat @BFMTV L'un des auteurs est un faussaire notoire de très longue date. 16 scien…
@plusdecheveux @fumerolles_ch @philippe_plat @BFMTV L'un des auteurs est un faussaire notoire de très longue date. 16 scientifiques de premier plan ont répondu à cette "étude" pour demander sa correction. https://t.co/Jdlzvghtsa La ré-analyse (publiée) des
@DiegoRodSen @BryanM14937895 @SmokeFreeFdn @vapethetruth Cuando me diga que piensa de este estudio de su querido Glantz, le doy DNI, Nombre, apellidos y hasta un numero de cuenta por si me quiere ingresar algo de lo que le dan las farmaceuticas.... https:
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…
RT @Clive_Bates: This anti-vaping junk paper should be next up for a #retraction. The authors should admit the paper is ‘unreliable’ (aka ‘…